Pig Invaders
The inevitable happened last night--the piglet got in the house.
She has been scouting the back door for weeks. Smart, fearless and way too curious, she just KNEW we had something in here for her. Since the others left, I have left her to roam the yard at will with the new gilt. They will soon be unable to get under the fence and out so they might as well enjoy their freedom while they can. But last night, this one took her freedom to a new level.
She waited her chance when I was trying to bring the dogs in last night and then burst in like a pig torpedo. The tile floor was something she wasn't expecting and she wiped out making the first turn into the kitchen...leaving a greasy pig mud smear in the process. Then she delightedly ran all the way back unto Evie's room (wherein Evie screamed and chased her with a drumstick yelling "Get out of my room, pig"--if Evie ever needs therapy to recover from her childhood, her therapist will never believe her).
After careening around pretty much every room and trying to root up our throw rugs, she finally stopped when she saw I had a donut. I probably didn't teach her the right lesson by giving her a donut to get her back out, but hey I got her out.
And so now begins a whole new war in which I must defend our home against invaders...pig invaders.
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