Cletus, You are NOT a People

Poor Cletus absolutely does not understand that he is not a "people". And he has also made it clear that if he can't be a "people", being a dog would be perfectly acceptable as well.

It is raining today and that goat just cannot get over the fact that we are all in the house. He is totally fine being outside as long as one of the dogs is out with him. He will try to play with them, sleep with them whenever they let him and generally follow them around like, well, a puppy dog.

But when they are IN, and even worse, when the people are IN with the dogs, all hell breaks loose.

The constant "baa-ing". The walking around and around and AROUND the house in hopes that a window will magically open and he can hop in. The staring through any open windows where he can spy us. The efforts to run through the door when I try to get in and out. It's been a loooong day for Cletus and I and it's only 3pm.

Somebody might get locked in the barn with the pigs for the rest of the day or I have a bad feeling he will end up on the couch with his four dog friends...


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