Bad Ideas
This is the look of a pig contemplating some very bad ideas.
Bad ideas like taking off with our dogs, Mabel and Gus, on one of their evening jaunts (we have a big tract of CRP grassland that adjoins our farm and irresistible for the dogs...and now pigs).
Last night I watched out the window as Mabel, Gus and the two piglets all left the farm for the grassland. The dogs took the lead and the pigs followed like part of the pack. This was funny for about two minutes until I realized that the pigs might not be as good at finding their way home again as the dogs were and ran outside to call everyone back.
True to form, everyone ignored me. The dogs always ignore me if they are out of sight (I KNOW they can hear me but I am also pretty sure they tell each other "If she can't see us, she can't do a damn thing about it). The piglets also ignored me, despite me rattling buckets of grain and making my most ingratiating "Here pig, pig, pig" call.
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