Chip Party!

Turns out Cletus the goat has some serious cravings...mostly for old, stale tortilla chips.

Seriously, the goat lost its mind. The moment he heard cellophane, mania set in and if he had not been tethered I feel quite sure we would have been overpowered and the entire bag of old chips made away with.

As it was, the chips attracted a mass yard party that consisted of 1 goat, 2 piglets, 4 dogs, 5 chickens and also, weirdly, one fat Mimi pony (turns out she is a bit chip crazy as well). Apparently the best way to be popular at our house is to sit down in the grass with a big bag of nasty old chips.

At any rate, Cletus nearly killed himself to consume every chip he could. I accidentally threw one just out of his reach on the tether and was terrifyingly reminded of just how athletic, flexible and determined a goat can be when it really wants something. In addition, he kept launching every other animal in the air (literally) if they came into his chip-eating zone. Oh Cletus, it's just a damn chip.

All I can say is that if someone ever tries to burgle our barn and they just got done with a big plate of chips and salsa, well watch out. That goat will take you down man, take you DOWN.


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