Dirt Roads for Ridin'

For all my horse friends that will be hauling their horse many miles to find a nice place to trail ride on this Memorial Day weekend, you can understand why THIS local road was a major selling factor in buying the farm we did.

One of the best features of South Dakota are the miles and miles of what are called "minimum maintenance roads". It means the road no longer leads to any farm and basically allowed to turn into this perfect riding trail of stable, soft dirt and grass. It might see a tractor 3 times a year and otherwise is a horse-person wonderland for riding.

And within 2 miles of the farm we purchased there are over 7 miles of these wonderful creations. Not to mention the fact that the "high traffic" gravel road that we live on only see maybe 8 cars in a given day. smile emoticon I love South Dakota!

Now, if only ONE of the horses in residence was actually sound/not pregnant/not nuts. LOL!


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