Why Hello Mama Pig

The scene that greeted me when I went to see what was rattling the door while Evie and I were eating lunch.

Mama Pig, as of just a few days ago, is now on the yard pig turnout crew (yes, it's weird and a bit crazy but I have an acre of yard which equals free feed and they are the only grazing animals that don't run away!).

She has been remarkably good (not counting when I accidentally left the barn door open yesterday and she discovered the wonders of the stacked feed bags in the feed room!) and my feed bill goes down with every bite of clover she removes from the yard.

But I forgot about her sense of smell.

Mama Pig has ALWAYS known when I was making dinner. She would stare forlornly at the house every time I cooked anything with even a small amount of odor. And that was when she was stationed at the barn, a 100 yards away.

So I shouldn't have been surprised that she would hover around the house when the cooking started and then when I didn't come outside with the delicious foods I was making, she would make her desires known...by literally knocking on the door (as best a pig can). She wasn't impolite--just some nosing and when I opened it, she took two steps back and waited to be included.

And in case you are wondering, her efforts were, in fact, rewarded with a muffin. A muffin that she consumed in exactly 3 chomps. God help us if she ever somehow gets in the house and discovers the pantry!


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