Eagle in a Tree

Well this was a pretty cool way to start the day--a Bald Eagle sitting in the big Elm tree in our front yard!

I think she was completely asleep when I let the dogs out the first time--I saw her out of the corner of my eye because she jumped a little and ruffled her feathers. Then she just watched all the activity in the yard so I ran in and got the camera.

She let me get a few shots from the porch but when I stepped out for a clearer shot, she swooped away. What a fantastic way to start the day!

I think this might be the same juvenile that was hanging out in our shelterbelt last year--this one appears to be a coming 4 or 5-year-old with lightly mottled brown feathers but head turning white. Last year's eagle was all brown.

And now I am torn between welcoming this incredible bird to hand around and protecting our animals. Most of the animals we own (dogs, cats, chickens, Cletus) are fair game for an eagle and they would be very easy pickins if she was so inclined!


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