Helly, my name is Cody.

Hello, my name is Cody.

If you are nice enough to let me come into the barn at night, not only will I poop more than the other 3 horses combined, I will sift through all of my alfalfa hay and eat only the leaves. I will then trample the rest of my perfectly good hay into the massive amount of manure I have put in my stall. In addition, I will try to poop into one of my buckets at least 1 in every 3 times you let me in.

When you go to let me out in the morning, I will not lea...ve my stall unless absolutely forced to. The other horses are welcome to leave but I will not. When you put a halter on me and attempt to drag me outside, I will set my feet down and act as if I have never had a halter on in my entire 30+ year life and refuse to move. When you finally get me into the aisle, I will attempt to spin around and go back to my stall...a pretty impressive move considering my age.

I feel it is imperative that people understand that I am meant to live in my warm and cozy box stall 24/7/365 and have you wait on me hand and hoof. I have no purpose in life other than to be treated like a prince and I expect people to understand that and bow down.


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