Supposed to...

I know I'm supposed to want to be doing something big and important and interesting with my Friday night.
But I'd rather just smoosh a puppy face and tell it I love it.
I know I'm supposed to want to lean into a grandiose career with lots of money, power and status.
But I'd rather just milk a cow, hoe a garden and have plenty of extra time to sit in the goat pen and play on a Saturday morning with my daughter. I feel fairly sure those moments are more important than any I might create in a board meeting.
I know I'm supposed to want to buy new, new, new and constantly seek a bigger house and a nicer car.
But I'd rather take a few minutes the sew the hole in my favorite farm coat before heading out to chores in the morning. It is infinitely more satisfying to me than a day shopping at the mall.
I know I'm supposed to live in a constant state of want, want, want--never happy, never satisfied, always on the treadmill.
But I don't want to do that. It's a learned behavior taught to us by those who don't have any of our best interests in mind. I choose to not get my PhD in that line of knowledge. I'd rather be happy with what I have, thankful for the moment I am in and patient to see what God has for me next.
Smoosh the puppy face, milk the cow, sew the coat--or do whatever it is that makes you feel centered and sane in this crazy world. Not much of the rest matters.


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