
This little Dark Brahma chick, from our Cackle box, has had a winning personality from day one.
Even as a wee day-old chick, he was the one who ran to your hand, rather than away, when you reached in. He was the one that started voluntarily hopping onto my outstretched palm to be picked up. And now that they are free ranging the yard, he is the one that runs over to say hi when you come outside.
And so that has inevitably been named (Thunder) and claimed as a pet by Evie. And even more inevitably, he has somehow found his way in the house and into her room for “dress up”.
You would expect a half grown chicken would freak out and run off if set down in a child’s bedroom but you would be wrong. Thunder actually takes great interest in what Evie is doing and interacts with her—chirping and touching her toys in curiosity. He gets so relaxed that he will wing stretch and groom waiting for her to try on his next “accessory”.
Something tells me we have a good candidate to get Evie interested in 4-H chicken shows. He might not be a blue ribbon winner but he is pretty good at winning hearts.


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