Sooooooo Hungry

Normally if I run out of cat food for the barn cats, I don’t panic too badly because I know they can fall back on their real job (rodent control) for 24 hours until I get back to town. And they usually aren’t too worried about an empty dish either because mice taste way better.
But lately, not only do we seem to be going through more cat food but when we have run out, oh my god the drama.
Almost to the hour the food dish goes empty, they go into absolute hysterics. I get swarmed by cats when I go outside. I have cats hanging off the screens of the house at 11 o’clock at night. I have cats perched on fence posts yowling at me as I walk by with chicken food. So much drama!
But then I realized today that I honestly haven’t seen a single sign of any rodent activity on this farm for a good month. The cats went crazy catching field mice when it first started getting cold and the mice tried to move into the barns, but I haven’t seen a cat with a mouse for at least 2-3 weeks.
So I have come to the conclusion that the little turds might have done their job so well that we are fresh out of rodents.
Well done cats and I will make sure you don’t run out of food for awhile!


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