The Fog Calendar is SO On!

There is fog and then there is FOG.

You see that shadowy, barely discernable tree in the photo? That tree is only maybe 150 yards away. It's 10am and the fog is still nearly inpenetrable.

Now this would just be a cool day to watch it roll in if I had not fostered a new found respect for the old timey "Fog Calendar" this winter. This calendar, a legend of the Great Plains, states that for every day you have fog between July 1 and February 1, you should count ahead 84 days (3 moon phases) and mark those days. Theoretically, those dates are when you will see significant snowfall in the winter.

Laugh if you will at this old wives' tale, but I marked my calendar all summer (we had a fair amount of foggy days last summer--not a normal occurance in South Dakota in July and August) and I'll be damned if they haven't been dead on so far this winter.

And so when we get 3 straight days of fog to start the new year, you can bet I am marking my calendar. It looks like March will likely leave us as a lion with a heck of a roar!


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