Rescuing Cletus

We just had to rescue Cletus from the barn because nobody likes him.

I just brought all the horses into the barn because the heavy, wet snow had made them all thoroughly wet and we now have strong winds bringing in -15 degree temperatures tonight. Not a good mix. And so they filled up the box stalls...including Cletus's designated stall.

I put Peg into his stall, hoping they might get along but alas, she was in her full blown "chestnut mare" persona today. Ditto for Marlene. I knew he couldn't go in with Kas because she views him as a toy. And when I tried with Cody, it ended with him blowing and snorting in the back of his stall, as if he has NEVER seen this horrible creature (despite the fact that Cletus is in his pasture EVERY single day). And Cletus can no longer hang out in the pigs' stall because the black and white pig has a taste for blood (she has killed two chickens) and I don't trust her to not try for larger game.

Cletus absolutely cannot be loose in the barn because he gets bored and destroys anything he can reach (which is quite a lot). And so for the moment, he came to the house with us until I can think of a safe, warm place for him while this horrible cold descends upon us.

Evie is, of course, enchanted by this fact and has been making the most of it. So far, Cletus has been fed all manner of things he should not eat, been subjected to "freeze tag", had to tote Evie's stuffed animals around and, as seen in this photo, Evie attempted to teach him how to write his name (C L E T U S being 6 of the letters Evie actually knows how to write). I need to get him back outside ASAP...


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