Pig Introduction!

In all the chaos of the past week, I have been remiss in not taking photos to introduce the two new pigs we have added to the Dalarna Farm pig herd.

Here is Little Miss Piggy Number 1--she comes to us from Duin Family Farm (same place we got Mama Pig) and is by the same boar (dad) as Patsy Pig and out of a purebred Gloucester Old Spot sow. You can't quite see it here but she has the most RIDICULOUSLY cute half-floppy ears. She could be a movie pig, she is that cute.

Also, she learned to sit on command in approximately 3 minutes. smile emoticon

I will intro the other new baby girl tomorrow. Tonight I must actually try going to sleep at an hour that does not end in "AM".

Oh and everyone, this girl needs her own "P" name. GO!


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