Oh Cody...

I spent a considerable amount of planning, time and effort designing a new and improved winter hay feeding system so that we could hopefully have less hay waste this winter. I thought I had a brilliant plan that would be ideal for both man and beast.

But alas, all has come to naught because THIS HORSE cannot figure it out.

I know Cody is old and not very smart, but how hard is to figure out how to stick your head in and EAT? Nobody else hesitated for even a second--they are eating their fool heads off.

But Cody?

Well, Cody is just a fool. He got all anxious and upset and finally just gave up and walked away. I tried to lead him back and show him (literally, I showed him myself how to do it) and all he could do was be pathetic and sad.

So guess who got his own pile of hay on the ground?


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