Oh the waiting...

Today is the donkeys' date with destiny.

Today is the day we get their pregnancy test results.

Right now, a package is enroute to a laboratory in Lexington, KY. When it arrives sometime this morning, we will finally find out IF something is in those bellies. We will finally be able to put aside the wondering, the watching, the waiting and KNOW that we have baby donkeys on the way. 

Or not.

Because guess what? In addition to having one of the most wildly varying gestation periods of any species (normal is anywhere from 11-14 months!), donkeys also do not follow a "set" hormonal pattern like horses do, making this blood test far less accurate that it would be on their equine cousins. And to make matters worse, if they ARE in foal and nearing birth (under 3 weeks), the natural corresponding drop in estrogen will likely give us a false negative as well.

So yeah, even after today's grand experiment they will still be #schrodingersdonkeys.


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