Baby Donkey!



Is that what I think it is?

Could it be?

No, wait, really is it?

Oh please, oh please, oh please let it be!

Actually NO.

I just found this photo on the internet and thought I would give all my Facebook friends a taste of the angst I go through TEN TIMES A DAY when I look into the donkey pasture, see them standing over some brush in and become convinced they are standing over a new baby. The constant paranoia is exacerbated by the fact they have weird bellies this week, they are rolling all the time (their own fun reaction to flies) and the horribly inconclusive results of the blood test.

So if you are now filled with the overwhelming disappoint that follows the excitement of a Christmas morning where you find your stockings all empty and the tree trashed by burglers, welcome to my existence---only multiply it by tens times a day.


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