Faucet Battle Won But I Can't Win Over This Goat

That’s right Clementine, I spent my entire day getting our outside faucet replaced (successfully-100% by myself, thank you very much!) just so I could give you fresh water and have you pretend you had never seen a person before and freak out when I went into the stall you and your twins are inhabiting (because you entirely forgot to grow a winter coat). Nothing makes me feel more welcome than watching you tremble in the corner as if I were a mountain lion about to eat you...never mind the fact your daughters climb all over me like I am playground equipment and I have obviously not eaten them.
And then, of course, the second I shut the gate to your stall you climb up it and scream-baa at me to give you some treats...out of my hands...the hands you were just convinced would kill you.
Weirdest goat ever...and that’s saying something because, goats.
And hurray—it took FOUR trips to the hardware store in the last 24 hours—but I completely replaced an entire outside water spigot by myself. A big thank you to the previous farm owners who did all sorts of “creative” plumbing when it was installed to make my job that much more “interesting” today. 🤦‍♀️


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