Goat Coat

Soooo...does anyone want to meet me at Tractor Supply this weekend and help go "coat shopping" for a certain incredibly stupid goat?

I watched ALL DAY as this dumb, dumb, DUMB animal refused to go into the barn and shelter himself from the cold, wind and snow. No, he stood in the very middle of the yard, hunched against the wind, staring forlornly at the house in hopes I might mistake him for a dog and bring him inside. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and locked him in the pig stall (they love any extra body heat in their huge pig pile but this is not a long term solution because he horns them off their feed, sigh).

And so I think I may load Cletus into our Suburban this weekend and take him shopping because I really don't know what fits a goat. A pony size? A dog size? A tutu? He has zero coat to speak of and even less brains, so it is either let him freeze to death, bring him into the house or buy a coat (or turn him into chislic, that is on the table too)

So if you are free Sunday afternoon, let me know and we can be the weird people walking a goat into a shopping mart.


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